I’m Bonnie. Research is essential to my life - like my life feels empty, I get cranky, and want to eat pints of ice cream when I’m not researching a project kind of essential. So, I always have tons of ideas and notes swirling around in my head and on my desk. I started this blog to organize my thoughts and research. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology, Masters in Public History, specializing in Early America.

I’m also Laurencia. I've been a member of the SCA (
Society for Creative Anachronism) for over 10 years. I've lived in the East Kingdom and the Kingdom of AEthelmearc. I portray Baroness Laurencia of Carlisle, an English woman of the late fourteenth – early fifteenth century. I work on obtaining the skills and knowledge a woman of that time would have had. A lifelong project? I know. Some unanswerable questions? Yes. But incredibly fun and fascinating? Most definitely!
So far, I've added hand sewing, weaving, open hearth cooking, embroidery, finger loop braiding, silk painting, and basket making to my list of abilities (some more expert than others). I realize my medieval persona may not have known all of these skills, but desperate times call for desperate measures! Walking to the local box store for a silk banner is not an option.
I hope you join me on my adventures in medieval culture. I promise it will be an entertaining ride!